Available Courses

Self-Liberation Intensive On-Demand Course

Are you ready to live with greater meaning, value, and purpose? Liberate your authentic Self and live your best life EVER!

Souled-Out Community Hub

Have you ever wished you could have a coach on retainer without spending a fortune? Well, here's your chance!

The Thinking Woman's Guide to Dating: Learn to Date Like a Bad@$$

Is this what you want?

✅ A healthy, lasting partnership

✅ Closure from past relationships

✅ Improved relationship patterns

✅ Resilience and optimism in dating

✅ Confidence that you can choose wisely

Explore the Mindful Dating Protocol and find out if it's for you!

Let's Talk About Sex!

Experience the pleasure and power of sex that's good for your soul!

Do you desire deeper connection in the bedroom? Crave more connection with your partner? Pine for more pleasure and passion in your intimate life?

This on-demand online training is for you!

Mindful Dating Intensive On-Demand

Are you ready to become the CEO of your love life?

This 12-week virtual coaching program will help you become a Self-led dater, empowering you to seek, find, and cultivate a healthy, lasting, loving partnership on your terms. 
No more hiding behind cultural expectations.
No more caretaking, people pleasing, or playing nice.
Now, you're in the driver's seat.

Beyond Manifestation: Alchemizing the Science & Soul of Changing Your Mind

3-Day FREE Video Training 

Go beyond the hype about “manifestation” to understand what, if anything, shifting your mindset can do for you! 

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